There were over 525 people attending the ceremony was Maj. Gen. McClain hand control of AFPC. It is now retiring from the Air Force having served for 33 years of service.
, Said Lt. Gen. Richard Newton, the Air Force A1, who presided over the ceremony: "This is something of a bittersweet day, I guess. KC has impacted the lives of many."
He continued to state that nevertheless AFPC welcomes a strong leader in general Brig AJ Stewart.
Newton said: "AJ, we have work to do ahead. But you are the right leader at the right time."
Brig. General A.J. Stewart, came from command of the Air Force Recruiting Service, which is also conveniently located in the same place. Brig. General A.J. Stewart said he is honored to be chosen to lead AFPC.
He said: "I hope they care as they take care of our nation."
Major General K.C. McClain, in turn thanked the airmen and civilians of the AFPC for their hard work during his two years as commander.
She said, "I am so very proud of this team. AJ, who is booking a first-class team and I know they will too."
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