Tuesday, November 2, 2010

California Polls

California Polls, Prop. 19 in California polls. Prop. 19 calls for the legalization of marijuana, not only have / use, but also for sale. Of course, the amount a person can have is very low, and how marijuana is sold is somewhat limited in Prop 19. It is one measure of the California High-level voting, and if passed, will open a new debate between the states and the federal government. Curiously, Prop. 19 were trailing in the polls. A recent survey indicates that 42% supported the bill, while 49% opposed it with a 3% margin of error. Of course, there are still some undecided voters. Medical marijuana are worried that Prop. 19 will change their medical use. Opponents of the bill claim it will reduce the productivity of workers, and also negatively impact society. Supporters argue it would raise money for California taxpayers - something that is absolutely necessary. ABOUT PROP 23, another measure VOTING California can be found here.


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